Ghost Window Clings

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These super-cute ghost friends are easy to make, and kids will love every minute of it!

  • Elmer’s Glue (I had Rose Art Glue on hand when we made these and wouldn’t recommend it. It left the ghosts clear whereas Elmer’s leaves them white.)
  • Googly Eyes
  • Wax Paper
  1. On the wax paper, draw an outline of a ghost.
  2. Fill the ghost in with glue. (You may want to let it sit for a little while once you’re finished filling it in; then, go back and fill it in again to increase thickness or fill in any holes.)
  3. Drop Googly Eyes into the glue.
  4. Let it sit at least overnight. Depending on how it looks, it may need to sit longer.
  5. Peel the ghost off the wax paper carefully.
  6. Ta-da! You now have a Ghost Window Cling!

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Classified: Mom