Johnny Appleseed Books
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With it being late September and Fall approaching tomorrow, most teachers include a unit on Johnny Appleseed around this time. Below are several ideas and activities you can use for this unit.
I always begin any unit on Johnny Appleseed by reading Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg. 
I love the illustrations in this book and the overall detail and quality of the story. It is a little lengthy though, so it is better suited for older children, such as ages 7-9.

I love the illustrations in this book and the overall detail and quality of the story. It is a little lengthy though, so it is better suited for older children, such as ages 7-9.
Another great book about Johnny Appleseed is Johnny Appleseed: The Legend and The Truth by Jane Yolen.
I also love Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh. The story is told through a rhyming poem, which makes it engaging for young readers.
For students in Kindergarten and younger, I would recommend Johnny Appleseed by Jodie Shepherd. It has brighter illustrations and much simpler text.
And for older children, such as ages 9 and up, interested in Johnny Appleseed, I recommend Who Was Johnny Appleseed?by Joan Holub. It features black and white illustrations and is over one hundred pages.
However, when matching a book to your child it is best to take into consideration their reading level and interest. What Johnny Appleseed books do you like to share with your students?

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