Last Minute Valentine’s Day Ideas
Tomorrow is the big day! In case you’re pulling at the strings for some last minute ideas (like I usually am) here are a few activities I have used in the past:
Although I’m not a fan of mice, I adore these mice made out of hearts! This project is a little more difficult than the pigs, but it’s not hard. They are made out of hearts just like the pigs.
This is another favorite project of mine. They are Cherry Blossom Valentine cards for parents/guardians. I bought postcards and taught my students how to draw a tree. After going over the tree with a Sharpie, I called kids back to stamp their finger print over the tree to make cherry blossoms. Once these day, have students write a note to their parents on the back.
Finally, if you want to include some writing tomorrow, here are some ‘Ode to Love’ poem templates I created. They include both an acrostic and free-form template.

Oh, and I have a little tip to share that isn’t related to Valentine’s Day, but I just discovered it! Whenever I pin an item on Pinterest, I’m always pinning a thousand other items too. After awhile, it becomes tiring trying to write a description for everything. Well, I just discovered that if you will highlight text with your mouse before you click the ‘Pin It’ button in your task bar, the description will already be in the box ready for you to pin! How cool is that? Anyway, just wanted to share! I hope I’m not the last person to discover this. Ha.
What do you have planned for tomorrow?