
Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Are you teaching addition and subtraction math facts within 10? Are your students expected to know addition and subtraction math facts to 10 with automaticity? These addition and subtraction math fact clip cards will help your students practice their math facts and gain automaticity!

Do your students need practice with addition math fact fluency? Are you seeking an easy, no-prep addition game for your math centers or stations? These Shake and Roll games are partner dice games that provide students with a fun and engaging way to practice addition facts to twelve! Simply teach the game at the beginning of the year, and switch out the game boards and materials each month to keep things fresh in your math stations and centers!