
Is Canadian money in your curriculum to cover? Are your students expected to identify coins, know their value, and be able to count coins? If so, these money posters featuring Canadian coins will be a great reference for your students as they learn about money and how to identify Canadian coins and their value! The posters come in pastel colors and also black and white!

This money resource includes 9 posters that feature coins and bills including the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, one-dollar bill, five-dollar bill, ten-dollar bill, and twenty-dollar bill. Each money poster includes the name of the coin or bill, a visual, and the coin or bill’s value.

This money resource includes 9 pastel posters that feature coins and bills including the penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar, one-dollar bill, five-dollar bill, ten-dollar bill, and twenty-dollar bill. Each pastel money poster includes the name of the coin or bill, a visual, and the coin or bill’s value.